今日新鲜事 热点 美国网友问:为什么这么多中国人厌恶历史上的清朝?





When it comes to the Qing government, many people are very disgusted. Why do so many people hate the Qing Dynasty? What did the Qing Dynasty do to make the Chinese people so disgusted? The so-called ""distance produces beauty"", the Qing Dynasty is very close to the contemporary, so our eyes can always clearly see the actions of the rulers of the Qing Dynasty.


In the final analysis, it is because the Qing Dynasty created evil consequences and will be borne by future generations. The judgment on the monument to the people"s heroes can be traced back to 1840. The Opium War, which humiliated China, heralded the arrival of modern history and the beginning of the decline of China"s great power.



In the past 100 years, from the officers and soldiers of the Qing Dynasty being knocked down by a team of 1000 people with foreign guns to the powers dividing the sphere of influence in China and trying to carve up China, the national self-confidence and national consciousness have been seriously hit. Looking back on this century long history of humiliation, the Chinese people will inevitably be angry.


Chinese people"s feelings towards the Qing Dynasty should be similar to those of the Southern Song Dynasty and the Northern Song Dynasty. Shameful humiliation, absurd failure and the indignation of foreign enemies all accumulated and formed explosive energy in the social public opinion at that time. At that time, the Han nationality was a vulnerable group excluded and discriminated against by the main rulers of the Qing Dynasty. Of course, the following factors make the Chinese hate the feudal rulers of the Qing Dynasty.

中国人对清朝的感情应该类似于南宋和北宋。可耻的屈辱、荒谬的失败,以及外敌侮辱的愤怒,都在当时的社会舆论中积累并形成爆发的能量。当时,汉族是被清朝的主要统治者排斥和歧视的弱势群体。当然, 还有以下因素使中国人憎恨清朝封建统治者。

1.屠杀汉族/ Massacre of Han nationality

The rulers of the Qing Dynasty did a lot of bad things when they entered the Central Plains. It shut down arable land, established pastures and killed people. The most hateful thing is that it broke through the city during the Southern Ming Dynasty, slaughtering all men, women, old and young, and exposing corpses in the wilderness, such as the 10th massacre in Yangzhou and the 3rd massacre in Jiading.



In order to rule China effectively, the rulers of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties issued a shaving order, stipulating that all men should shave their hair and keep braids. If they want to keep their hair, they can"t keep their head. The Chinese were forced to maintain this extremely ugly hairstyle, so hundreds of years later, Westerners laughed at the Chinese with ""pig tail"".


Therefore, the Qing Dynasty has aroused people"s dissatisfaction both from the perspective of Han nationalism and from the perspective of safeguarding human rights.



3.文字狱/ Literary prison

People have just settled down. Three emperors Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong established a literary prison. They played some unnecessary word games, killed a large number of literary officials and kept people silent.


In addition, the rulers of the Qing Dynasty took advantage of the convenience of repairing the Siku Quanshu and destroyed a large number of books, which was a huge loss of Chinese culture. Sun Yat Sen once lamented: ""the Qing Dynasty has been in power for 300 years. Fooling the Han people is the first priority of its reactionary rule. After cruel suppression, the civil resistance force is weak, so that it leads to the decline of China today.""

此外,清朝统治者利用修缮四库全书的便利,毁坏了大量书籍,这是中国文化的巨大损失。孙中山曾感叹:“清朝掌权300年,愚弄汉人是其反动统治的第一要务,经过残酷镇压,民间反抗势力微弱,以至于酿成中国今日的衰败。” 「清虜執政於茲三百年矣,以愚弄漢人為治世第一義……經滿政府多方面之摧殘籠絡,致民間無一毫之反動力,以釀成今日之衰敗。」

4.清政府逆历史潮流而动的政策/ The Qing government"s policy against the historical trend

The Qing Dynasty promulgated the ""order of banning the sea"", ""order of moving the sea"" and other policies, which made China embark on the road of seclusion and isolation from the world, resulting in China"s backwardness and being beaten.


5.签订不平等条约/ Sign unequal treaties

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the rulers of the Qing Dynasty were in an unconscious state and closed the country for a long time, unable to keep up with the development of the times. Europe entered the industrial revolution, which led to China"s backwardness. Subsequently, European and American powers invaded China, and the Qing Dynasty signed a large number of unequal treaties. Land division and compensation led to China"s poverty and weakness, so that the Chinese people struggled for more than 100 years.


6.清政府差点让中国灭亡/ The Qing government almost destroyed China

The performance of the Qing Dynasty in modern times experienced many failures, loss of power and national humiliation, as well as land compensation. Looking back on the prosperity in Chinese history, how can the Qing Dynasty not be hated? If the foreign war fails and an unequal treaty is signed, it is fair to say, but even if the war is won, the Manchu and Qing government still signs an unequal treaty, such as the Sino French war, which is really shameful. Later, Cixi, the culprit of the Eight Power Allied forces" invasion of China, could even say such shameless words as ""measuring the material resources of China and making the country happy"".



I don"t want to list other things. Aren"t the above points enough to make the Chinese hate the Qing Dynasty? I believe that if a dynasty decays and falls, it will delay the development of the whole country. If the Qing Dynasty had the ability to fight against the invaders, but did not want to make progress, bowed to the outside world and bullied the weak at home, wouldn"t this dynasty be disgusting?



Although the Chinese generally accept the Qing Dynasty as China"s native Dynasty; Many Chinese, mainly Han Chinese, hated the Qing Dynasty because of its historical characteristics.


In the eyes of the Chinese people, they have established an excellent civilization. Their civilization process is a series of incredible historical stories, miracles, heroes and tragedies, but on the whole, they are very proud because they used to be one of the largest and greatest forces in the world. In fact, before the Qing Dynasty, China was a country that no one dared to touch.


Then, the Qing Dynasty entered the customs and expanded its territory in the next rule.


But the Qing Dynasty itself destroyed the country. Due to the lack of reform, little attention to society, and the contempt of the Han people for the Manchu minority, a series of national and military rebellions against the dynasty were triggered. Its failure to stop the conquest of Europe and Japan was also a later factor. In most cases, the imperial rulers of the Qing Dynasty corroded the whole country, from literature, education to military, and plunged the most prosperous country in the world into decline.



They were disgusted by the fact that it had failed. This once the largest, richest, most educated and technologically advanced country failed. It also failed when it came to power in the Qing Dynasty.


China"s ruling class did not show creativity, initiative and leadership in the 19th century, but gave in. ""Barbaric"" countries such as Britain, France, Germany and Japan are cutting off part of China. The Qing Dynasty did not solve this problem fast enough, nor did it realize China"s modernization fast enough, which led to the long-term poverty and hunger of the Chinese people and became the victims of warlords, bandits and evil Japanese soldiers.


For this oldest and most civilized country, it is very humiliating to have to experience such a thing. To make matters worse, the Qing Dynasty was not even orthodox Chinese! They are only the descendants of the nomadic people in the north.


The peasant uprising plunged the Ming Dynasty into decline. The Manchu, a minority from outside the Great Wall, took advantage of it. From 1644, they swept China and forced the Nanming regime to retreat. It is the uninvited Chinese people who have no power to occupy the alien world and force them to fall into the shackles of barbarism.


China"s ideological situation in the Qing Dynasty was backward and closed. The Chinese remember that this is an era of rampant corruption, ignorance of knowledge and inability to see external dangers from the inside. As outsiders, they were extremely cautious. The feudal emperors spent a lot of time restricting freedom of speech, censoring and restricting literature, and isolating China from the outside world.


Later, they could have learned a lot from the western world. Although there were dangers at the same time, they regarded themselves as China and missed the opportunity of the industrial revolution.


When China was attacked, they saw the mountains and rivers broken but could do nothing. Our ancestors drove sailboats and later steamships, carrying guns, cannons, railways and telegrams to trade, colonize and export gold and raw materials.


Although some Manchu and Qing bureaucrats, including Empress Dowager Cixi, made some attempts, they only wanted to maintain their rule. When people need to come up with new and bold solutions and creative and original ideas, they are always secretly dealt with by the authorities. The education system of the Qing Dynasty only taught literati how to control China and kept people docile under the current situation.


To make matters worse, the bureaucratic system takes up a lot of time, energy and resources. The beneficiaries of the system are often stereotyped and shockingly corrupt. The Qing Dynasty was criticized for this. It was not competent for China"s modernization.


But I think if the Ming Dynasty lasted until 1911, they might make many of the same mistakes, because many restrictive ideas of the Qing government began in the Ming Dynasty.



