今日新鲜事 娱乐 Bad English个人资料简介(Bad English大事记)

Bad English个人资料简介(Bad English大事记)

Bad English个人资料简介,Bad English1970年01月01日出生,摩羯座,歌手,以下给大家详细介绍Bad English个人资料简介、Bad English获奖经历、Bad English大事记等内容。

Bad English个人资料简介(Bad English大事记)

Bad English个人资料简介

Bad English这个乐团是80年代后期西洋摇滚音乐界当中昙花一现的经典组合,虽然他们只推出过两张专辑,却也缔造出「When I see you smile」和「Price of love」等等的畅销金曲,所以就算他们乐团的寿命不长,但还是让摇滚歌迷难以忘怀。

Bad English大事记

1989年,Bad English推出他们的创团同名专辑,并且以主打歌曲「When I see you smile」登上了Billboard热门单曲榜的冠军。这首歌曲是西洋流行歌坛的创作金手Diane Warren所谱写的作品,它被灌录的过程段还有一段小插曲,那就是,这首作品本来是要写给另一组乐团Sheriff来演唱的,可是这组团体并不喜欢,他们放弃演唱这首歌。而Bad English乐团他们一开始也是坚持要自己唱自己所写的歌,但是因为主唱John Waite跟Diane Warren是老朋友,所以就把这首歌拿来灌录,没想到就成为了这个乐团的经典代表作。 When I See You Smile(当我看到你微笑)是摇滚队伍Bad English 坏英国人合唱团89年全美流行单曲榜双周冠军的动人情歌,单曲销售达金唱片,专辑销售则获颁白金唱片认证。这也是电视剧流星花园中道明寺与叶莎之歌。 歌词: Sometimes I wonder How I/'d ever make it through, Through this world without having you I just wouldn/'t have a clue /'Cause sometimes it seems Like this world/'s closing in on me, And there/'s no way of breaking free And then I see you reach for me Sometimes I wanna give up I wanna give in, I wanna quit the fight And then I see you, baby And everythin~s airight, everything/'s airight CHORUS: When I see you smile I can face the world, oh oh, you know I can do anything When I see you smile I see a ray of light, oh oh, I see it shining right through the rain When I see you smile Oh yeah, baby when I see you smile at me Baby there/'s nothing in this world that could ever do What a touch of your hand can do It/'s like nothing that I ever knew And when the rain is falling I don/'t feel it, /'cause you/'re here with me now And one look at you baby Is ali I/'ll ever need, you/'re all rll ever need CHORUS Sometimes I wanna give up I wanna give in, I wanna quit the fight And then I see you baby And everything/'s alrighi, everything/'s alright So right... CHORUS 2x

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